Business Continuity

Business continuity is an area that we have been focusing on for decades. Throughout that time, it hasn’t lost its importance; instead, it is becoming increasingly vital.

ISO 22301 is very clear about the definition of business continuity: it’s the capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products or services at acceptable predefined levels following disruptive incident. In our work, we rely on a result-oriented approach. We either prepare a new plan or help you optimize your existing business continuity plans and support you as you carry out drill practices once or twice a year. Our main goals are the successful test of a business continuity plan and reducing risk exposure.

Mitigating Risk

We carry out a business impact assessment and risk analyses to prepare relevant measures and a plan for their execution.

Pragmatic Approach

Our plans reflect the maturity of your organization. For less mature environments, we begin with simpler plans that are expanded and detailed during annual reviews.

Service Catalogue is the foundation

A clear and updated service catalogue is the foundation for preparing and executing a plan.

Optimization of Investments and Benefits

A business continuity plan may require increased financial investments. We prepare a multi-criteria decision tree to facilitate the optimal decision among several options.

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