Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention is a solution that helps you unobtrusively and transparently monitor how data is used, centralize management of data handling policies and protect against accidental and intentional data leaks.

A data loss prevention system provides users with the ability to access and use data for business purposes while at the same time preventing irregular usage or the disclosure of data to the wrong parties.

It enables you to monitor compliance with adopted security policies and rules for using business data and information and raise the user awareness of irregular handling of data. It also provides various types of notifications to third parties when irregular data use is detected.

The implementation of a DLP solution is one of the most important measures if you are looking to improve the security of your business environment. Above all, you can use it to directly ensure compliance with the GDPR directive by:

  • Providing the ability to discover data locations, classify data and identify personal data across the entire company;
  • Ensuring real-time protection and personal data access control and preventing abuse, leaks and theft of personal data based on various security profiles;
  • Supporting the entire information management lifecycle as required by GDPR;
  • Preventing abuse and loss of personal and other data during the prevention stage;
  • Providing accurate reports for regulators and inspectors when discovering and taking measures to address suspicions of the abuse of personal and other types of data.

DLP solution provides proven measures to discover, manage and protect confidential data, regardless of whether they are stored or being actively used. Companies and organizations can use it to measurably mitigate risks, prove compliance with regulations to supervisory bodies and, last but not least, protect their goodwill and intellectual property.

Comprehensive IT system control, Regulatory compliance

Ensure and prove regulatory compliance (GDPR, Personal Data Protection Act, ISO, SUVI, etc.)

Data Security

Protects organisational goodwill and intellectual property.

Simplified data management

Provides the ability to discover data locations, classify data and identify personal data across the entire company.

Employee awareness

Improves employee awareness and their work while encouraging people to behave securely.

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